
It is impossible to predict all the unforeseen events that may occur around public transport. This causes users to lose too much time due to their delay at the stop or station. AppBuses is an application for mobile and console, which allows to know the time of arrival of the bus at the stop, updated…


We are concerned that, in the daily distribution of goods, many companies still pay for their vehicles to travel unnecessary miles, undermining their bottom line in percentages of more than one digit, while worsening everyone’s health. FastRoute solves this nonsense of paying for polluting by burning fuel unnecessarily and increases the effective transport capacity of your…


The WHO estimated in 2013 for Europe more than 600,000 premature deaths and losses of 1.4 billion euros from air pollution. In a very high percentage, the private vehicle is the cause of this fact. VAOpoint offers an efficient service for daily interurban mobility for those citizens who already want to share a vehicle. Aimed…